Friday morning was spent lying in bed, recuperating from my crazy week/sickness. Friday afternoon, my mom and brother came down to visit and spend the night. My mom and I ran errands, went browsing through thrift stores and flea malls and ended up at Ming's for dinner and lots of conversation. I love getting to gossip with Mom!
Saturday morning, we left home at 6 AM to go yard saling! (Yes, I know 'saling' is not a word/verb, but I type how I speak---keepin' it real)
I hit the jackpot!
I guess I should preface by saying I have a huge crush on J. Audubon prints and scientific illustrations used as wall art. I don't know when this started or why. Mom and I ended up at a yard sale held by the people who own Auburn Art. Guess what I found in their huge stack of prints.....
These two Audubon prints were marked $15 each.....I paid $1 for both!
These vintage botanical prints were marked $10-$18 each...I got all 9 for $4.50! I'm going to make a 3x3 grid with them.
I also got these vintage victorian style prints for $0.50 each! I don't know where I'm going to put them yet, but I thought they were beautiful. One has a watermark on it, but I think it's more of an enhancement that way.
Later, we went to an estate sale. (On a side note, I feel guilty when i shop at an estate sale, because usually it's after someone dies or moves to a nursing home. I don't know why...sometimes it just bothers me. I guess the bargain hunter in me overtakes that side and I persevere in my shopping!)
ANYWAY, I got an ottoman to go with my chair and half. Don't worry, I'm planning on recovering it. It's hideous now.
I'm excited about recovering it! I's sad that excites me. It must mean I'm getting old.
Before you question the next item, let me go ahead and throw out the disclaimer:
I am NOT pregnant.
But my mom and I saw this adorable vintage wooden highchair, and the saleslady at the estate sale was trying to talk us into it. We were doing good until we heard it had belonged to the (assumingly deceased) woman's granddaughter, who happened to be my age. But the clincher came when she said the chair was half price.
I got the ottoman AND the highchair for $25! Eventually, I'll refinish the highchair, but for now, it can stay in the garage. It was just too good to pass up.
After yard saling, we went to another antique mall and a few thrift stores. I found these totally 80s clutches for $0.50. Love them!
I really think I was born in the wrong era...or maybe I just have an appreciation for everything old. I guess that's why I married Jamey!
I spent Saturday night and all day Sunday with friends. I LOVED my weekend. Unfortunately, it was back to reality today with an 8 AM class!