Most days he can be found gazing out the windows. He watches birds, squirrels, Bentley (the neighbor's dog) and Rascal (his friend from a couple of blocks away). Today was no exception.
Even Tibby was in on the action. Can you believe he's already 5 months old??
I was staying in the cool house while the boys worked in the hot yard. I was supposed to be studying, but just couldn't keep my mind on it. So I snapped pictures through the window. They weren't working, just "smackin' on their lips with their hands on their hips", as Jamey says.
While they worked, I made dinner. We had grilled bratwursts with sauteed onions and peppers, and a Key Lime pound cake (from Kroger) for dessert. It was DElish!
Since then, I've been stuck here:
I have my last exam in Strategic Management tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!
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