Better late than never. It's taken me a while to get a post started on my yard sale trip. Here goes...
Thursday we drove to

This was our ride. Yes, all 5 of us rode in one truck from Alabama to Kentucky and back. My knees became well acquainted with the dash.

Our first big stop was at a Barn Sale on top of Signal Mountain. It was literally a sale inside a barn full of horses, chickens, ducks, pigs, etc.

The next day we headed North again. Most of the sales were clustered together in large flea-market-style setups. We would drive miles between them over hills and around curves. Up and down the mountains. I think this was one of the prettiest spots. It was an old general store situated next to a stream.

We saw a slimy slithery snake in the stream beside the store. That was enough for me. I went back to the car. On the way back I encountered another scaaaary creature.

We continued our way on into Kentucky. There were tobacco fields everywhere!

There was one rolling hill after another.

My Dad
had to look at every tractor from here to Kentucky.

We weren't as enthused about them.
And PawPaw wasn't too happy that his bread didn't survive the trip.

On Saturday we (Mom, Dad, Ryan, Jamey & me) headed back toward home, while the rest of the gang (Aunt Teresa, Uncle Jim & PawPaw) drove further north into Ohio.
On the way home we drove through 'Amish country' in Liberty, Kentucky. I felt a little bad about taking their pictures. I was hoping they weren't offended by it.

We only made a few more stops before making a beeline toward home. It was fun to experience it once in life. But I think I've seen enough yard sales to last me quite a while!
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